
Homoeopathy: From the Greek, Homoeo, meaning like or similar and Pathos, meaning suffering.


  • In person, Coolbellup, Perth, Western Australia
  • Internet, via Skype, Messenger
  • Within Australia, use (08) 9337 9720
  • Email: jmcintyre108@gmail.com
Initial consult price: Duration approximately 1.5 hours, including one remedy, $150.00
Related follow-up consultations: Up to 1 hour, including one remedy, $100.00

There's something startlingly beautiful and deeply respectful about Homoeopathy. Beautiful in its rationale, its logic and its congruence with nature and ever respectful in that it acknowledges and aids the system's own wisdom. Its treatment is aligned with that same wisdom rather than against it. The "signs and symptoms" that each of us show when we are ill are, within Homoeopathy, seen as the body's best attempt to overcome some deeper imbalance. In this sense these "signs and symptoms" are seen as unique individualised messages which indicate the needed healing remedy rather than being seen as the disease itself and needing to be got rid of. The remedy is discovered via these signs and symptoms, but is not directed at them, but rather at the deeper imbalance or altered vital energy which is their source. Once this vital energy is rebalanced, through the application of the "like" remedy, the symptoms, now no longer needed, will disappear.
The "like" remedy is that substance which, in a healthy person,  causes in its poisoning effects, the same conglomerate of "signs and symptoms" to that of the patient. Some might say, and rightly so, "wouldn't taking a substance as a remedy that causes the same symptoms that I already have make my symptoms worse"? True enough, and that is why the founder of Homoeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, suggested diluting those substances (the "like" remedy) right down.

Here are some examples that might clarify, the Law of Similars (the use of the "like" remedy):

First an example from everyday life, applying the Law of Similars (but not an actual Homoeopathic remedy): An open-water competitive swimmer from Florida is traveling to Finland to compete in a race. To prepare for this race, as part of her  auxiliary training, she takes up daily ice-baths. Ice bathing is used in this instance as a way of inoculating her against the ill-effects of cold. You might say it awakens within her the capacity (perhaps latent, given that she is from Florida) to deal with or adapt to the cold. Homoeopathically you might say, she treats the cold of the Finnish sea with the "like" (pre-emptive) remedy of ice-bathing. Through this training she is made strong.

Here is an example of how what appears to be the disease is really just the system trying to free itself  (via the production of symptoms) from a deeper imbalance. : a man suffers from the ill-effects of food poisoning , his system, in its wisdom,  produces diarrhoea as the best means of freeing itself from the poisonous food. Perhaps you've experienced this or a variation on this,,, out at a dinner party, everyone eats the same food, some became violently ill, some had just a little nausea and others were not affected at all. Each of us have our own unique susceptibility and therefore in any given circumstance we'll react in a way, if you look closely enough, peculiar to us. This susceptibility will determine how and to what degree our vital energy is thrown off when exposed to an outside force (the poisonous food). So here, the diarrhoea is not the real disease,,, sitting prior to that is the poisonous food and prior to that our susceptibility. And this susceptibility determines whether we will be thrown off balance and therefore to produce diarrhoea in order to hopefully recover a sense of equilibrium. The Homoeopath should he/she be asked to treat such a diarrhoea, notes all the specifics of the diarrhoea along with any other related signs and symptoms and then seeks out a substance, which in its poisoning effects would produce the same conglomerate of symptoms. This remedy is then given in a diluted form to the patient.

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